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Jacket Art: Purple Majesty 2, 2007, acrylic on linen, 72 x 72 inches TIiie Page Art: Vista /Autumn Twilight/, 2001, acrylic on linen, 12 x 12 inches. Private collection. Dedication Page Art: Inner Silence, 2002, acrylic on linen, 48 x 36 inches. Private collection. Contents Page Art: In the Aspens, 1997, acrylic on linen, 52 x 74 inches. Private collection. Page 108 Art: The Waters Edge, 1999, acrylic on linen, 17 x 15 inches. Private collection. Copyright © 2007 Susan Swartz All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, either mechanically or electronically, without the written permission of the artist. Visit \V\ Designed by Traci O'Very Covey Edited by Linda Bult Printed by Carr Printing Company, Inc. Bountiful, Utah, United States in 2007 Bound by Schaffer Bindery Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Swartz, Susan Natural Revelations: The Art of Susan Swartz/Susan Swartz with an introduction by Robert Coles and conclusion by Jane Goodall, Ph.d. DBE ISBN 13: 978-0-615-15546-3 The book contains various quotes believed to be in the public domain, whose authors are cited internally. dedication To my parents, Peg and Lee Shallcross, for giving me life, love, and the courage to fol low my passion. To my husband, Jim, for sharing my life -for your inspiration, love, and total support of all my dreams. To the joys of my life: Scott, Karin, and Kristin; their spouses Esmeralda, Nick, and Nick; and my grandchildren Jayme, Kayla, Kendra, Luca, Jake, Matti, Cassandra, Connor and Neta; who continue to bless me and make me the proud est and luckiest mom in the world. To Millie Dienert, who has taught me there is no limit to the human spirit and to what faith can see us through. To Laurie Westberg, for your tireless efforts, for your editorial assistance, and for sharing my dream so completely. To Edna and Jim Pogue for your constant support and encouragement. To Geralyn White Dreyfous for your constant encouragement and support -thank you for always being there. And to the LORD for His daily inspiration, bounteous blessings, guidance, and uncondi tional love. SUSAN SWARTZ 2007 contents introduction 8 about the artist 12 spnng 16 summer 34 autumn 60 winter 88 conclusion 104 introduction ROBERT COLES 8 natural revelationsthe dreamy impressions of susan swartz COLDEN PLAIN, 1997, ACRYLIC ON LINEN, 36 X 24 INCHES PRIVATE COLLECTION Susan Swartz's oil on canvas paintings render dream impressions taken from nature. In particular, her work is inspired by the Wasa1ch Mountain Range of Utah. Her compositions avoid postcard perspectives or slack imagery, and close-up visions of nature are offered in the form of color dances. Amid a deluge of disturb ing reports regarding global warming, Swartz's paintings are decidedly affirmative testimonies to nature's beauty and its enduring qualities-its presence becomes for us mortals a precious and stirring and inviting companionship. Her color schemes are Monet-influenced. Indeed, the viewer is hard-pressed to find pockets of focus or distraction within her designs. Continuous, fluid, and unified impressions run throughout her work. Swartz's unfettered impressions-in their sum, a kind of fervent, tenacious dream-spark optimism: a certain de cided affirmation found in nature. The viewer is offered glimpses of aspen trees, of lilies, and of a first snowfall. Other paintings titled "First Light" or "Heaven" take the viewer into more reflective, even mystical realms. Swartz says, "I like to paint what God created." In a sense, she has let her painterly gifts be energized by her introspective inclinations, refined by philosoph ical study and contemplation. Introduction 9 Next >